VISION Our vision is that one day, every child in Dallas who is at highest risk of the long-term effects of childhood adversity, like involvement in the child welfare system, will have a Friend – a long term, salaried professional mentor who stays with them from pre-school through high school graduation, 12+ years – no matter what. Beginning Fall 2025, we will annually enroll youth aged 4-6 years old and their families into the program. Our two-generation (“2Gen”) approach focuses on improving outcomes for both children and their parents – improving family stability and breaking cycles of the chronic stress that comes from poverty. FRIENDS DALLAS LAUNCH TIMELINE Local challenges require local solutions. Friends – Dallas will be an independent 501c3 with local leadership from board to staff to support the children and families in Dallas who need it most. Below is a general timeline we are working toward in partnership with the community: Winter 2025: Meet Capital Seed Funding Goal of $2.0M in philanthropy secured. Spring 2025: Executive Director hired.Establish Friends of the Children – Dallas as an independent 501c3 organization.Friends of the Children – Dallas Board of Directors established.Identify/secure office space.Child selection partnership(s) identified.Program Director and Operations Manager hired. Summer - Fall 2025: Program launch.Friends hired and trained.First cohort of youth and caregivers enrolled. GET INVOLVED If you are interested in helping us launch Friends of the Children - Dallas, there are many ways to get involved: Connect us to community leaders and potential partners Promote awareness of the effort and its impactInvest to ensure the long-term financial sustainability of the chapter For more information, please contact Nancy Pollard, Executive Director of Friends of the Children - Texas, at